el 5 de octubre del 2008
On Thursday I got an email from the University providing a contact email for anyone interested in playing Ultimate Frisbee. I immediately emailed the person, telling him I was an American student looking to play. I heard back from the guy (Amador) that afternoon, and he said they were having a practice that afternoon. By the time I got his email I had already missed the practice time, so I emailed him back and told him so. He sent me one more email telling me that they were going to play this Sunday and I could join them if I wished. I replied and said I wouldn't miss it. (So many emails. We exchanged phone numbers, so maybe that will be easier.)
So this morning I awoke around 9:30ish and slowly arose and got changed. I packed my bag and grabbed a bottle of water and headed out. I would have to take the bus to the city center, than switch buses and ride out to some random Rugdby field outside Santander. For any and all of you who have every played Utlimate Frisbee for a team, you'll understand about trying to get field time. UF isn't exactly a very popular sport with the Sports Offices, and it's always a hastle to get field time and things like that. Well, here it's no different. I found out, though, that the team is actually a Club team and not a University team. I'm rather excited about that, becaues it means we have a couple older guys on the team as well, which always makes an interesting dynamic as they have more experience and whatnot. It's a coed team, which is also more fun, and three of the girls are actually from the States. Although I met them all, I only got a chance to chat with one and she's from New Hampshire. Everyone else on the team is awesome. They were rather excited that I had played before, and it was really cool for me because I got to play a more major role on the team and helped demonstrate things.
Above all, it was just fucking great to play again!!! I didn't play on the team last year because of my crazy, stupid, ridiculous semesters (which many of you might remember). Anyways, I'm really excited to be able to play again and compete. So yea, I had a blast. We played for about 2 hours or so. Luckily one of the guy's on the team offered to give me a ride home so I didn't have to take the bus. We'll practice again this week, and I think we'll try to practice once or twice per weekend. I'm SO excited! Ugg! It also helps that I'm feeling a million times better than I did last week. I think I'm over my flu, and my stomach is rapidly adjusting to the new diet/climate/etc.
So that's all for now. I just wanted to relay my exciting Frisbee news. I just skyped my Mum and Dad, who are getting ready to travel around Italy for the better part of two weeks. Sadly, it might not be possible for them to swing by Spain due to flights and timing and such, but I'm happy they're getting out of Rhody for a while.
This will be my first "full" week of classes, so we'll see how that goes. I've also enrolled in a racquetball class which is really fun, and meets twice a week. I have a class conflict on Tuesdays with racket-ball, but my class schedule might change a bit so we'll see what happens.
I hope you are all still well. I am jealous that I'm not home to see Autumn settle in. I've been told it won't snow here, though the rain will continue as always. I wonder what the leaves will look like here and if they're even compare to New England... yea, I don't think so either.
Santander, ESP
6 years ago
To be completely honest, I always thought of Ultimate as a very American sport. Maybe by "very" I mean "exclusively." How awesome that you get to play again.
It very much is, but I'm told that the Swiss and French have really good teams. Who knew? The thing about Spain, though, is that everyone here eats, drinks, sleeps soccer. Obviously soccer is big in Europe in general, but I was talking with one kid at practice today and he says it's a little more difficult to find an Ultimate team out here. I'm just lucky I guess! :)
the Swiss? eww. That's the end of my affection for Ultimate.
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