6 Sept. 2008
Wow… really… just wow. This place is so amazing. I don’t know where to begin, so I guess I’ll just start at the beginning. First, however, I want to apologize for not updating in so long. I’ve meant to but I’ve either had a spotty internet connection, too tired, or inebriated. As such, this will have to start all the way back from a week ago.
So I left Rhody behind and flew from Boston to Philly, and then crossed the Big Blue Wet Thing heading to Dublin. My first time out of the country. The flight over the Drink kind of sucked. I was freezing cold, and couldn’t get comfortable (6’3” people just aren’t meant for airplanes). My only real spot of “homesick” came when they served dinner. Something about eating alone got to me. I ordered a drink to try and help me fall asleep, even though I was already exhausted. It was a Jack/Coke and I thought of Tori.
I finally dozed off for about an hour and a half, woke up with the sun and complimentary orange juice, and was able to gaze at the unbelievable landscape that is Ireland. I decided then and there I wasn’t going to Spain, I was just going to stay in Ireland. I thought of Ayla.
So I got to the airport at around 9am local time, went through Customs, went to the Aer Lingus check-in to get my ticket, and that’s where things made me feel better about the crappy flight I just had. The nice man with the Irish accent whom I couldn’t understand put me in the Emergency Exit aisle so that I would have more leg room. (The story continues later with the other two passengers not showing up and me stretching out over the 3 seats and sleeping the entire flight… I was ecstatic). Anyways, I was also told that my terminal was a 15 minute walk and as such I left right away instead of exiting the airport like I had planned. I headed to my terminal and on the way grabbed a small coffee and snack as I was starving. I then said “Well. Shit, when in Rome…” and so at 10am I headed to the pub at my terminal. Note: 10am. Note: This bar was overflowing, like not even standing room. I love the Irish. I had myself a Guinness (so tasty!) and then headed to my terminal. I ran into two students (Andy and Luke) heading to Bilbao to study and we chatted while we waited for our delayed flight to board. (1 hour 20 minutes. Something about being late out of Germany). Anyways. As I just mentioned this flight went much better.
When I awoke, we were about 20 minutes out and so I hopped into the window seat to enjoy the scenery. And oh man did I enjoy it! The red roofs were the first thing that got me excited. They’re so beautiful from the sky! Not only that, but all these small towns were just tucked in these mountain valleys all over the place! The mountains were also beautiful, and I even saw lots of wind turbines spinning away… way to be Europe!
So I got off the plane and headed to customs. I don’t know why this man seemed so angry, but customs didn’t seem particularly fun. That sheet that you normally fill out on the plane we founded in a small stack on a table next to the booth with the angry man, and most people didn’t even fill it out. I handed him that and my passport, and he quickly stamped it and I was on my way. I’m not sure he even looked at me. Anyways, that puts me in Bilbao, which is decidedly not Santander. I got my bags and headed for the bus. After a little bit of a run around I got on the bus to take me to the Bilbao bus terminal. I arrived just in time to grab a 18:30 bus to Santander. The ride was very nice and I shared a short but pleasant conversation with the Spanish girl next to me.
I arrived in Santander around 7 or 8ish, I think? I forget when, but took a taxi to my apartment. Someone standing just inside the door was nice enough to open it for me (I didn’t have keys yet) and so I took the elevator up to the 4th floor, knocked on the door labeled 4A and Amanda greeted me. I had made it. Alive. Tired. And so many latte’s.
Well, that’s all I can give you for now. But at least you know I got here. The next entry will describe the first week in Spain. What a week! I can’t wait! For now, I’m heading down to the beaches and it’s Saturday, so I’ll probably end up going out tonight. In any case, hasta la proxima!
Mucho amor,
Santander, ESP.
6 years ago
I'm delighted to:
• see more evidence that you are alive and well
• hear that you are thinking of me
• ...especially hear that you are thinking of me in the land where 10am Guinness is on hand to ease your worried mind.
Sounds like you're cashing in on Being In Europe; keep up the good work!
yay for not missing any flights or having any delays!!!
yay for being happy!
I always envy anybody who can sleep on planes.
ps do you mind if I post a link to your blog on my blog?
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