So this whole story book thing is a lot more fun for me than you would think, and as such I'm going to continue rolling with it. Today's story:
"Andrew and the Sidra Festival"
Once upon a time in a magical land called the "PaĆs Vasco" someone created a low alcohol content drink from apples called Sidra (Cider). This is a special drink that you consume small amounts of in large quantities. Now, the Sidreria where they make this drink only opens for about one month every year to allow the people to come in and enjoy their tasty beverage. "Txotx!" (Essentially "Now Serving, grab your glass") can be heard resounding in between the barrels throughout the storage room as the worker's open a new barrel for the people to enjoy. At the end of the season, there remains Sidra in the barrels that needs to be drank. And so there was created a series of festivals in which the Sidra is sold at a reduced price in order to empty the barrels such that the next year's batch may begin to be made. The 1 or 2 euro cover charge allows an entire afternoon and evening of Sidra drinking, from Sidrerias all over the land.
On one such afternoon, our hero finds himself heading to just such a festival. And oh! the wonders he would encounter...
--- The Story of Andrew and the Sidra Festival ---
Andrew and his American friend Cory followed their Spanish guides Ernesto and Andoni to the train station to catch the train to Usurbil.
Choosing the highway as the quickest route.
After an hour of wandering and close encounters
They finally found their way to the festival
The Sidra flowed freely
And at half past drunk, the shenanigans began
Though the festival was over, the trip home lie before them. Resting up for the walk home was key
Because the weather took a turn for the worse
But all made it home safe and sound... and wet... and still drunk.
Our hero and his companions enjoyed the Sidra Festival and survived all the dangers along the way. Though he has Monday off, our hero returns to his normal work schedule for the rest of the week. He admits he could use the rest, and looks forward to spending some time relaxing. Suddenly he recalls something someone said yesterday that makes him smile.
"These festivals continue every Sunday for the next several weeks."
To Be Continued?? . . .