So the day has arrived. I really don't know what to say. I'm excited, but very nervous still. I've said it before, but I will repeat myself: last summer's trip to Costa Rica was the best warm-up for this trip I could have hoped for. I know what it's like to get home sick, to be stuck without internet, without music to listen to and comfort me, and I know that after a couple days of forcing myself out of the house, I will be just fine. What's more, I'll be living in an amazing city in an amazing country, and as nervous and unsure as I am, I've been waiting to do this for three years.
I will board the plane as a 21 year old Native Rhode Islander, born and bred. I have little travel experience, quantitatively, but much more than I could have dreamed qualitatively. I am an engineer, always sizing things up, and over analyzing whenever possible. It's the nature of the beast I guess. I'm a Spanish major, ready to kick back in the afternoon with a glass of wine and watch the world turn once or twice while I catch my breath. I'm an International Development Minor, looking for opportunities to help wherever possible. I'm a god-damn dirty hippie, and shoes are optional, though I'll never be found without a pair of sandals nearby.
I will miss my friends and family. Especially after this summer, as we all grew just a little closer and hugged just a little tighter knowing that separation was coming in the fall. I will miss Fall in Rhode Island, my favorite time of the year when the leaves change and the wind blows just hard enough to make you put on that hoody. I will miss my hammock and my Alpaca blanket. For those who know me well enough I know you understand. I will miss playing music with my brothers in the basement, rocking out when we know Mom has had enough.
I will enjoy experiencing a new culture. So many things to observe, so many habits to break and new ones to learn. I'm excited to see if I dream in Spanish, and how well I'll be able to speak English when I get back. I'm excited to find my local coffee shop, where I can give the staff a nod and they'll recognize me. I'm excited to travel to other parts of Europe, to see the other side of the world and mostly to see friends while doing so. I'm excited to have people visit me. This, more than anything, will make my trip so special. I want to experience all of these new things, but doing so with friends is what will make the memories truly last forever.
I am excited to return. To see the world through new eyes, to hear the world through new ears. It's almost taboo to talk about returning already, but maybe it's just the Rhode Islander's ingrown want to always be home.
And with that, I depart on a new adventure. I will leave behind so many things, but I leave them with confidence and with the joy of knowing that they will be there when I return. I was once told to "Follow My Bliss" wherever it may take me. So off I go.
Hasta Pronto.
6 years ago